Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 20: The Frame Is Built

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Today visiting artist/building engineer Warren Bradway came and made the frame for the labyrinth. Happy to say that the frame fit perfectly in the designated space. We also had artist/intern Ellen Tiberino and Michele Russo from Young Audiences help with the gluing. We accomplished a great deal but still much is left to do!

Residency Day 18


Today we started gluing tile to one of the boards. It is still to cold to work outside, so I brought one of the panels in so we could start to glue. Messy fun!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

We move outside


Today we moved outside to lay out the labyrinth. We also practiced the labyrinth diagram with chalk on the blacktop. We still have much work to do and are hoping for good weather so we can work outside for the next couple of weeks.

